We would request that all medical fees are settled in full following each consultation. We accept cash and debit/credit card payments onsite. A receipt will be provided at the time of payment.
If you live in Ireland and do not have a medical card or GP Visit Card, you are considered a non-GMS patient if you visit your family doctor (GP). This means that you must pay for the services provided.
Please see below revised fees which will be implemented from Monday 1st May 2023.
GP Services Fees
General Consultation Up to 15 minutes: €60
Re-visit (within 14 days) Same issue: €45
Family Consultation Up to 20 minutes: €100
General Consultation Child or Student: €45
Phone Consultation: €40
General Consultation & bloods: €85
Housecall: €80
Repeat Prescriptions: €20
Letters & Forms Enquire at reception: €20
Witnessing of passports photos: €20
Legal Documents Enduring power of attorney: €150*
Legal Documents Medico-legal reports: €350*
*Full payment required before any of the above reports are released
Specific GP Consultations Fees
IUD (Mirena, Kyleena, Jaydess, 5 &10 year Copper) Counselling & Insertion: €200 - 50% deposit required at time of booking
IUD (Mirena, Kyleena, Jaydess, 5 &10 year Copper) Removal: €60
Implanon Insertion: €150 - 50% deposit required at time of booking
Implanon Removal: €100
Implanon Removal & Insertion on same day: €200 - 50% deposit required at time of booking
* Any of the above services are free if female aged between 17-35 (apart from copper coil)*
Menopause Consult 1st visit (Up to 30 minutes): €100 - 50% deposit required at time of booking
Menopause Consult Follow up (Up to 15 minutes): €60
Cryotherapy 1st visit: €80
Cryotherapy 2nd visit: €60
Joint Injections 1st visit: €100 - 50% deposit required at time of booking
Sports Medical: €60
Pelvic Ultrasound: €100 - 50% deposit required at time of booking
Gallbladder: €100 - 50% deposit required at time of booking
Early Dating Scan: €100 - 50% deposit required at time of booking
Driving License Medical Car: €60
Driving License Medical Truck/Lorry: €80
Nurse Services Fees
General Consultation Up to 10 minutes: €40
Blood Test Ordered by GP: €25
Blood Test Ordered by private consultant: €50
ECG: €50
Ear Syringe: €50
Smear Test – women age 25-60 are eligible for a free smear test as part of Cervical Check, the National Cervical Screening Programme
Smear Test – Private: €180 – 50% deposit required at time of booking
Dressings: €40
Suture Removal: €40
Cryotherapy 1st visit: €60
Cryotherapy 2nd visit: €40
STI Screening Up to 15 minutes (includes consult, swabs & bloods): €100 – 50% deposit required at time of booking
Vaccine Fees
Influenza If >65 years old: No Fee
Influenza If <65 years old & eligible: No Fee
Influenza All other adults: €25
Pneumococcal If >65 years old: No Fee
Pneumococcal If <65 years old & eligible: No Fee
Pneumococcal All other adults: €25
Pertussis If during pregnancy (16-36 weeks): No Fee
Other vaccines Enquire at reception: €40